When you click the link to “Search Mid York Library Catalog” you can search without your Library card to see if the item you are looking for is carried by the MidYork System. If you intend to place a hold on any items, you will need your Library card number to do that. You will also need to know your 4-digit pin number. If you do not know your pin number, please call us at (315) 429-3421, and we will be glad to provide that to you. When you place a hold on an item, it will be shipped to us. We will call you to let you know it is waiting here for you.
Don't know what to Read?
A search on MidYork is available by Book Title, or by your Favorite Author’s Name. You can also look at additional resources available from a book listing. On the descriptions page, check out the recommendations for other authors that are recommended that may write similarly to your favorite author.